Land Light Foundation
Land Light Foundation supports the earthwork Star Axis.
The Land Light Foundation is committed to supporting Star Axis, an architectonic earth/star sculpture. Star Axis is currently under construction on the eastern plains in New Mexico.
Created by artist Charles Ross, all of Star Axis’ shapes and angles are determined by
earth-to-star alignments. They are built into the sculpture so that we can experience them in human scale. Star Axis offers an intimate experience of how the earth's environment extends into the space of the stars.
Star Axis is scheduled to open in 2026 or 2027.​
Land Light Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on a variety of funding sources to complete Star Axis. The Land Light Foundation deeply appreciates the loyalty and enthusiasm of its supporters.
For more information please visit the Star Axis site.
Land Light Foundation | 69 Wooster Street, #7 | New York, NY 10012
FOUNDERS 50,000+
Virginia Dwan
Gale Family Foundation
M. Louise Heydt, Cassidy C. Harrison, Elizabeth Rohrbach, Alan Rohrbach, and
William H. & Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation
Loïc Malle
Cynthia Madden Leitner and
The Museum of Outdoor Arts
Dee Ann McIntyre
Kathleen and Gerald Peters,
Peters Family Art Foundation
Charles Ross
Someland Foundation
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Charitable Trust
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts
Quarrier B. Cook
Happily Company
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
Sandra Payson
STAR TUNNEL STAIRS (acquired 1985-2015)
Anonymous (2)
David W. Bermant Foundation
George A. Cowan
Culbertson Family
Candace Dwan
Lucius and Eva Eastman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilbert
Ray and Barbara Graham
Joe and Caral Lebworth
Robert and Margot Linton
Vaughn and Peggy Morgan
Michael and Barbara Ogg
Nancy Folger and Pamela Peabody
Gifford and Joann Phillips
John and Robin Rubel
James and Sarah Taylor
PATRONS $6000-$24,000
Anonymous (2)
Allan Affeldt
Susan L. Foote
Marleen De Bode and Marc Olivier
Kaywin Feldman and James M Lutz
Becky and Gil Kerlin
Jarl and Pamela Mohn
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
William Ross
Dave Rossetti and Jan Avent
Michael S. and Phillipa B. Straus
Anonymous (1)
Baldridge Foundation
Mary Barone and Neil Manson
Suzanne Bartolucci
Lorraine Barret
Barbara Berg
Judith and Sam Berger
Alma Bergmann
Christian Bernard
Maria Bernheim
Shirley Buel
David M. Bulfer and Kelly G. Pope
David Chickey
Jacques and Emy Cohenca Foundation, Inc.
Maurice Destouet
Michael and Katherine Dolan
Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves and Olivier Schefer
Anne and Willie François
Jeremy Frechette
Lauri Freedman
Phil and Amy Geier
Matthias Haldemann
Nicole Hixon
Jaqueline Hoefer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Earl Hoover, II
Elizabeth and Francis Hunnewell
Jenny and Rob Kimball
Ellen King
Maria King and Barry King Jr.
Malcolm Lazin
Meg and John Loehr
Deborah Lovely
Agnes Martin
James and Dana Pope Manning
Craig Martinez
Niko and Steve Mayer
Pamela and Don Michaelis
Alicia and William A. Miller Foundation
Mara Mills
Paul and Mary Ellen Mundy
Museum of Contemporary Art-
The Geffen Contemporary
MoMA Contemporary Arts Council
Lindsey Nelson
New Mexico School for the Arts
Susan O’Reilly
Brigitte Petre
Daniel Racz
Singleton Rankin
Frances Rehwald
Garbrielle Reinhard
Elizabeth Romero
Diane Rudy
Ariel Saldivar
Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz
William Siegal
Kurt and Cheryl Sommer
Naoimi Swinton
Morris Smart and Liz Kerrigan
Jane Sprague
Woodruff Sullivan III
James and Cynthia Tuite
Steadman and Peggy Upham
Marietta Leis Vogel and David Vogel
Nancy McElroy Folger and Sidney Werkman
Jacob Wilcock
Steve Wulchin
Toni and Leshek Zavistovski
Barbara Berg
Eleanor Brenner
Richard Buckley
Brad and Leslie Burnside
Dennis and Sharon Clements
Bill Culbertson
Tina Fredricks
Ted and Barbara Flicker
Jean-Louis Gonfard
Joanne Grillo
Pat Hall
Irene Hoffman
Gary and Cheryl Holwick
Francis and Elizabeth Hunnewell
Laura and Maurice Jones
Elaine A. King
Werner Kramarsky
Bud Krause
Niko and Steve Mayer
Maynard Monrow
Constantin Pârvulescu
Anne Pedersen and Mark Donatelli
Mai-Thu Peret
Virginia Perez-Ratton
Sarah C. and Norman T. Reynolds
Brady Roberts
Rolf Sinclair and Sarah Richards
Judith and Timothy Ritchie
Alan Rudy
Itsuo Sakane
SITE Santa Fe
Astrid Sykes
Lorlee and Arnold Tenenbaum
Amanda Tucker
John and Iris Vazquez
Lisa Waud
Barbara and Alan Weeden
Dian Woodner
Yumi Yoshida and Mari Fugisawa
David Abbey
Jerry Adelmann
Lauren Addario and Chris Nelson
Laura and Jon Addison
Raffi Andonian
Hope Aldrich
Patricia Antonicelli
Thomas Appelquist
Loretta Armer
Christine Aylward
Kiyomi and Edward Baird
Avie and Steve Bardwell
Dorothy and Richard Barrett
Polly and John Barton
Armand Bartos
Clayton and Hester Bass
Vaughn Bell
Amelie Bellanger
Robert and Sharon Berkelo
Raye Bemis
Marsha Berger and P. Kevin Silson
Kelley Bergmann
Denise Betesh and Ken Terry
Dale Blankenship
Gay Block
Gary Bodman
Christine Bootes
Gail Borden
Richard and Barbara Boxer
John Boyce
Stuart Brand
Marissa Braun
Ruth Braunstein
Mary and Curtis Brennen
Dorothy Brittingham
Ian Broomfield
Emily J. Brudenell
Carnegie Mellon University
Sharon Bartel-Clements and
Dennis Clements
Robert E. Cole and Elizabeth Baron-Cole
John Cinosky and Alicia Cuccolo
Contemporary Art Society,
Robert E. and Elizabeth Baron-Cole
Pete Cowdin
Maria Cox
James Cunningham
Christopher Curtin
Frances Dalessio
Topher Delaney
Jim Dexheimer
Jon Dick
Nancy Dickenson
Stephen Dunlap
Sidra Durst
Carolyn Eason
Kristin Engelbrecht
Louis, Doris, and Francis Erhard
Melinda and Bernard Ewell
Fabrice Flahutez
Barbara and Ted Flicker
Nina Foster
Samuel Frank
Fred Freund
Lisa Freeman
Randall S. Friedman
Dr. Murray Gell-Mann
Caroline and John Goldsmith
John Gordon
Matthew Goudeau
John Gray
Dolly Gray-Bussard
Samuel Adams Green
Diane and Werner Grob
Carl E. and Renee C. Gutman
Guggenheim Museum,
Contemporary Arts Council
Bettye Hansen
Peggy Heineman
Highlands University
Deon Hilger
Lyda Hill
Susan Hiller and David Coxhead
Madelon Hooykaas
Claudia and James Horn
George Hughes
Elizabeth Hulings
Charlene and Charles Hyle
Joyce Idema
Claudia Jessup and Jonathan Richards
Kristin Jones
Steve Jones
Zuzanna Karczewska and Barry Newton
Geoffrey Kalmus
Melissa Kauth
Joseph Karnes
Marcus Karstiess
Liz Keim
Elizabeth and Robert King
Mark Knutson
James Kornder
Maureen Korp
Thomas and Elenor Kovachevich
Nancy Kozikowski and John Cacciatore
Andreas Krieger
Kunsthaus Zug
Jeffrey and Florence Laird
Mallette Lamy
Ray Landy
James Lee
Michael Irwin Lescander and Robin Merlo
Lucy Lippard
Madeline Gehrig Lister
Kerry Loewen and Amber MacLean
Thomas M. Lopez
Catherine Lord
Scott Ludwig
Dayton Lummis
Susan Lynds
Ana MacArthur
David Macintosh
Judith Machen
Lynne Maphies
Sandra McGarraugh
Robert McLeod and Kirby Kendrick
LA MoCA Travel Program
Marguarite McClure
Balene McCormick
Pam McFarland
Sloane McFarland
Yahne McIemore
Leland Means
Peter Meanwell
Eric Meils
Barbara and Donald Meyer
James Meyer
Jeanne Meyers
John Millard
Sana Morrow
Juliet Myers
Yvette Nachmias-Baeu
Zach Nader
Beej Nierengarten-Smith
Emily Novak
NY MoMA Contemporary Arts Council
Thomas Oden
Susan Ohori
Susan Conway and Pat Oliphant
Cindy Miscikowski and Doug Ring
Joyce and Nicholas Pabst
Brigitte Petre
Jean Pike
Phoenix Museum of Contemporary Art
Helene Pfeffer
Randy Polumbo
Cynthia Putnam
Jean Pierre Ra
Caroline Rafman
Arden Reed
James and Claire Rhotenberry
Doug Ring
Rhea Rothberg and Wayne Mikosz
Kristin Rowley
James Rubin
Matilda Rummage
Ramona Sakiestewa and Andy Merriell
Jason Saslow
Frederick Sawyer
Dede Schumacher
Randy Schuster
Barbara Schwartz
Catherine de Segonzac-Shainberg
Peter Selz
Jaeeun Shin
Catherine Eaton Skinner
Sandra and Jay Smith
Barbara and Woodruff Sullivan, III
Carol Squiers
Simone Swan
Anne Taylor and Joan Garner
Chris Taylor
Sarah and James Taylor
Helen Thompson
Town Art Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Storm Townsend
Gerald and Linda Vitamvas
Barry Vacker
Chris Velez
Villa Arson
Michael and Louisa Von Clem
Ida Vorum
Richard Wallstein
Jill Weber
Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art
Jack and Jean Whelan
John Paul W Whelan
Peter Hiller and Celeste Williams
Laban Wingert and Dardo Socas
Timothy Woolsey and James Patterson
Riken Yamamoto
Michael Zeilik
Diane Zlotnick
The Frost Foundation
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
Long Now Foundation
New Mexico Arts Division
McCune Charitable Foundation
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
National Endowments for the Arts
Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Board Discretionary Grant
Santa Fe Council for the Arts
Someland Foundation
Eugene V. and Clare Thaw Charitable Trust
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts
Dorothy DeChristopher
Elizabeth Ginzberg
Harry and Nancy Leippe
Astronomy Calculations:
Exact stair-to-Polaris orbit calculations: Dr, Woodruff Sullivan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, and
Mallory Thorp
Aerial Survey and Topographic Map: Thomas Mann and Associates, Albuquerque
Dates for the one degree circle of Polaris: Leroy Doggett, Nautical Almanac Office, U. S. Naval Observatory
Ellipse: David Bassein, Mathematics Department, New York University
Hour Frame: Jonathan Plant, Hayden Planetarium
Local time conversions: Neb Duric, Astronomy Department,
University of New Mexico
Shadow Field: Dr. Kenneth Franklin, Hayden Planetarium
Andy Oozoonian, Weidlinger Associates
Film Production:
Wendy Apple
Alan Barker
Kerry Loewen
Tom McCarthy
Katie Peters
Muse Media
Park Springs Ranch:
W. O. Culbertson
John and Jean Brittingham
Edward Ranney
Kerry Loewen
Truck Wranglers:
Bob and Norma Klein
Advanced Instruments/
Reliable Reproductions
Cold Springs Granite/Texas Granite
The Franken Companies
Golden Equipment Company
Hydro Conduit Corporation
Martin Saw and Tool
Miracle Transportation Company
Muse Media
Park Springs Ranch
Rust Tractor Company Sierra Transit Mix
Matheson Tri-Gas Company
W.W. Steel Company
Charles Ross, President
Maria Gale, Vice President
Loïc Malle, Vice President
Jill O’Bryan, Secretary and Treasurer
Allan Affeldt
Jamie Clements
Edward Gale
Michael Govan
Cynthia Madden Leitner
James Meyer